Wednesday 12 December 2007

Some phone-binned garden bird videos

Here are some videos I took by holding my camera phone up to my binoculars. I was a bit bored while my mum and nan were chatting downstairs so tried this method, not expecting much but it actually came out alright.

Cat and Goldfinch

Female Blackbird

In order of appearance: Blue Tit, female Blackbird, House Sparrow, Goldfinch, Starlings and finally the female Blackbird again


Anonymous said...

cool method what camera phone is it?

Joe Ray said...

what phone you got?
nice vids

David Campbell said...

It is a D600, a year or two old now but takes alright videos.

David Campbell said...

It was rather annoying because when you could see black on the screen on the left of the screen you would think you would move your phone right to have a clean view but it was weird and you had to move it left when the black was on the left of the screen !?! You may hear a couple of wierd noises from me in there, that's because you had to hold it in a really awkward position to keep it steady and get rid of the black at the same time. I attempted filming birds in flight but it was so hard finding them in the screen then keeping track of trhem in this awkward postition.