Ben here, back from a short break in Yorkshire. Haven't posted much after the lack of faith from one anonymous birder. It was a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, and although my evidence isn't concrete, doesn't mean I'm lying! It was the first really rare bird I'd ever seen (other than a White Stork over Canterbury), so don't spoil it! Some of you should be content with the rarities you've seen/found. ANYWAY...
Yorkshire was great! All target birds achieved: Gannet, Red Grouse and Osprey, all 'lifers', to use a twitching term. It was nice to see so many Bullfinches too; they're so rare down here in Kent. An unexpected bonus was a migrating Short-eared Owl at Bempton Cliffs. It filled the gap that the auks left... they'd all left for the open ocean by the time we arrived. Here are some of the best photos from the excursion.

Lack of faith? Simply if your evidence isn't concrete then you shouldn't tick it/talk about it. Although i'm more concerned about your Pied Kingfisher, how flimsy is your evidence for that?
Will you just leave me alone? If you don't want to believe me, then fine, that's your opinion. But I know that I saw it, and if you wish to undermine me more, don't bother; I know what I saw and won't be put down be jealous remarks.
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