After talking to one of my teachers (who is a birder) he told me of a place where he had seen 4 species of bird that I really wanted to see. It wasn't too far away so I managed to persuade my mum to take me there this afternoon and stay until 10pm, we did and it was so worth it!( Thanks for the tip off Mr.Moore!) After 20 minutes of searching gorse at a heath I finally found a DARTFORD WARBLER, it was a superb male and showed down to c5 metres whilst calling, what a great start to the day. Next up were a few TREE PIPITS parachuting over my head, great little birds. Then whilst driving on a lane through some heathland I noticed a small bird perched on top of gorse...bins up...LESSER WHITETHROAT. Could this day get any better? Hell yeah. I waited ages from 8:50-10:00pm and finally at the last minute a WOODCOCK showed it's self amazingly, flying past calling manically, then at 10pm exactly to end an amazing day off...yes a NIGHTJAR flew over my head about 3 metres above. I can't believe it! A fab evening, thanks to my mum for putting up with me and Mr.Moore for the directions and tips! 5 lifers in a day!
Year list: 157
I Have Moved
13 years ago